Copper Hill's Blog

Why Americans Want More Living Space & What They Crave

Written by Copper Hill | Wed, Jan 3, '24


As the real estate landscape evolves in a post-pandemic world, so too do the desires of potential buyers. It's no secret that the quest for more living space is hotter than Phoenix in July. So, why the current fascination with square footage? In 2023, the average living space in the US sits at 1,841 square feet, but 51% of Americans aspire for more than the average. To put this all into perspective, let's dive into the minds of modern homebuyers and explore the key reasons why they're yearning for “more house.”

🌟 Room to Roam

  • Outdoor Oases: Americans are lusting after spacious backyards, cozy courtyards, and pristine pools. The pandemic-induced appreciation for fresh air and outdoor escapades has turned back yards into mini-sanctuaries. Think of it as your private escape, a place where you can unleash your inner backyard chef or practice sun salutations without prying eyes.
  • Work from Home Sanctuaries: When remote work became the new normal, the home office morphed from a luxury to a necessity. Needless to say, home offices have slowly become substitute goods for traditional offices. Buyers are on the lookout for homes that can accommodate a stylish and functional WFH space. Forget the cramped cubicle; we're talking about light-filled offices with a view!

🏠 The Bigger, the Better

  • Flexibility is Key: Modern homeowners are all about flexibility. Open floor plans have been the superheroes of the real estate world, although some experts say they are slowly on their way out; time will tell. Either way, buyers want spaces that can adapt to their ever-changing needs, whether it's hosting a fabulous soiree or transforming the living room into a yoga studio. Versatility is the name of the game.
  • Storage Solutions: A clutter-free space is a happy space. Buyers are falling head over heels for homes with ample storage options. Walk-in closets, built-in shelving, and clever nooks; these are the solutions that make organization look effortlessly chic.

🛋️ The Comfort Quotient

  • Creature Comforts: It's not just about having space; it's about creating a haven. Buyers are on the lookout for cozy corners and snug nooks where they can unwind after a long day. What was once considered unusable space is now being transformed into perceptive and functional value, which can add to usable square footage. Picture a window seat bathed in sunlight or a reading nook that feels like a warm hug. Comfort is less negotiable than it once was.
  • Entertainment Retreats: Movie nights and game days have taken center stage for both adults and kids alike. Buyers want spaces that can effortlessly transition from family dinners to epic board game battles. Home theaters, game rooms, or just an extra-large living room, these are the places where memories are made and Instagram content is born.

🍽️ Culinary Chronicles

  • Chef's Kitchens: Kitchens have long been considered the “heart of the home,” but having a larger, gourmet version is becoming more popular. Buyers are dreaming of kitchens with ample counter space, top-notch appliances, double-islands, and enough room for a sous-chef or two. It's not just about cooking, it's about culinary culture. A space where meals are made while chatting with friends over a glass of wine.
  • Pantry Panache: Say goodbye to old-school, cluttered cabinets and hello to walk-in pantries. Think french doors and rolling drawers. Storage isn't just for the bedroom; the kitchen now deserves its fair share of organizational glory. Buyers are smitten with homes that boast spacious cabinets and closets where snacks and spices alike can be stored with style.

💡 Future-Proofing

  • Tech-Savvy Spaces: The future is here, and it's smart! Homebuyers are increasingly being drawn to homes with integrated technology. Smart homes can also increase a home’s overall value. From smart thermostats that know your preferred temperature (hello, Nest) to doorbells that can be controlled from your phone (what’s up, Ring), tech-savvy spaces are now showing up on most peoples’ wish lists.
  • Energy Efficiency: Going green is more than just a trend, it's a lifestyle. Even though square footage is on the rise, buyers are interested in energy-efficient homes that not only reduce their carbon footprint, but also slash their utility bills. Solar panels, energy-efficient appliances, tankless water heaters, and smart lighting are leading the revolution.

In the ever-evolving world of real estate, understanding what today's buyers want is the key to unlocking the full potential of your home. Copper Hill’s buyer clients know that it's not just about buying four walls and a roof, it's about fulfilling a lifestyle. So, if you're prepping your home for sale or just daydreaming about the possibilities, remember this: the space you offer the buying public is more than just square footage, it should be a private invitation to a modern lifestyle. Embrace the space revolution, and watch your home become a buyer’s dream.